Offering Circular

Each October, LCEF provides an annual Offering Circular to every investor. The Offering Circular contains information pertaining to LCEF’s investment products, lending activity, financial statements and more. Please read the latest Offering Circular before filling out an application.

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan establishes a five-year vision; an aspirational and ambitious statement of what we hope to achieve; and how we desire to be viewed across the LCMS. The primary focus of the Strategic Plan is five three-year objectives and several initiatives that prioritize and establish the future work and direction of LCEF. The Strategic Plan includes two-year and one-year milestone goals which help us benchmark continued progress.

Ministry & Business Plan

The 2023-2024 Ministry and Business Plan outlines LCEF’s mission, vision and values. This document also highlights our organizational goals and strategic journey.

President's Bi-Annual Update

The bi-annual shareholder update from the President of Lutheran Church Extension Fund seeks to highlight the success and current status of the organization.

Financial Strength Statement

LCEF remains an organization that carries out its fiduciary responsibilities with care and diligence. Our financial strength statement outlines this commitment to our investors.


Calculators are available for loans and investments.

Kaleidoscope Fund

The Kaleidoscope Fund, a granting program established in 2016 by Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF), has awarded $2.9 million to 56 ministries of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) throughout the United States.

Christian Investing

Investing your hard-earned dollars can be a complex endeavor, often leaving you with numerous questions. Who exactly is managing my funds? How are they utilizing my financial resources? And perhaps most importantly, do their principles and objectives align with mine?
LCEF’s Guide to Christian Investing serves as a valuable resource, particularly for Lutherans like yourself. It identifies seven crucial factors to consider when deliberating where to invest your funds.

Church Worker Resources

This page is your gateway to a suite of resources designed specifically for church workers, offering financial solutions, wellness support, housing assistance and a community of peers who understand your journey.

Downloadable Documents

LCEF Fee Schedule

LCEF offers certain services that help you manage your investments and financial records. Any fees charged will be listed on your statement.

HSA Information

Learn more about your LCEF HSA account with this helpful information.

StewardAccount Products

The StewardAccount products are interest-bearing investments that allow you convenient access to the funds. Learn more in the brochure below.

EFT Agreement and Disclosure

This Electronic Funds Transfers Agreement is the contract that covers your rights and LCEF’s rights and responsibilities concerning electronic funds transfer (“EFT”) services.

LCEF Privacy Policy

Learn more about how LCEF uses and protects your privacy and information.

Young Investors Steward Account

Welcome to the Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) Young Investors (Y.I.) Club. Please review the following information about your Y.I StewardAccount.

UMB Error Resolution Notice

Learn about reporting any problems or concerns regarding your debit card.

LCEF Error Resolution Notice

Learn about protection for you and your electronic transfers.

Natural Disaster Relief

Natural Disasters are never easy and there are many resources available to assist you- including LCEF. Download the flier below to know who to contact from LCEF for assistance.

Terms & Conditions Brochure

Terms and Conditions for investment products issued by Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF).

Shared Interest Brochure