MINISTRY SOLUTIONS Ministry Clarity Ministry Clarity processes run concurrently under the guidance of your consultant.

Presented below is a general breakdown of each process; your process may be different to best suit your organization’s needs and timeline.

  2 Months


All LCMS ministry organizations are unique and require custom solutions to achieve their goals. We at LCEF designed the Discovery process to define possibilities and design solutions that will move your ministry forward according to God’s plan. We believe, to be your ministry partner, we can’t simply apply cookie-cutter solutions, so this first step of Discovery is critical.

You understand what LCEF offers as your ministry partner.

  3 Months


Our visioning process is designed to discover God’s vision for your ministry. The result of this first step in the process is a clear and concise statement that answers the question: God, who do You say we are? This gives your organization its identity and purpose, which drives everything you do..

Your ministry knows God’s vision and is inspired to pursue it.

  3 Months

Ministry Planning

Traditionally, a clarity process would include delivering a strategic plan. While effective in some instances, LCEF employs a different approach where we equip your ministry leaders to be the strategic planners as we build the first iteration of the plan. This creates a strategic plan that is dynamic and continually evaluated and updated by the people called to lead the ministries, not an outside consultant. Our Ministry Planning process includes leadership training, Ministry Planning tools development and a facilitated creative session that both models the Ministry Planning process and creates the first iteration of the plan.

Your Executive Director and ministry leaders are equipped to lead and generate a dynamic strategic plan to move ministries forward.

  3 Months

Campus Master Planning

“Facilities Facilitate.” This simple phrase guides our work with organizations looking to match their facilities to their current and future ministries.

Your ministry has a Campus Master Plan that works to match your facilities to your ministries.

  3 Months

Financial Planning

Just as “facilities facilitate,” finances facilitate. In our process of clarity, we first want your leaders to have a solid understanding of current finances and be working with modern tools and practices. Then as ministry plans come together, a clear financial plan is built leveraging development projections, special accounts, endowments, planned capital campaigns and the loan resources of LCEF.

Your leaders have a clear vision of your ministry’s financial future in support of your ministries.

  3 Months


As the clarity process comes to a close, our final goal is to support your communication of findings and plans to your stakeholders/constituents. Solutions will vary and can include designing promotional pieces, forums and special presentation events. When applicable, we help bring together a final presentation for your board of directors so together your ministry can step forward with confidence.