December 5, 2022

Monthly theme: Yes, with the help of God!

Reading time: two minutes

Here’s the bad news about the Christmas season at your church: There’s more to be done than is humanly possible.

Here’s the good news: There’s more to be done than is humanly possible.

Yes, that’s good! When the Lord of the Church brought you and the congregation together, He bound you to one another to be the various, multi-faceted, gifted, and blessed for service body of Christ.

He’s assigned you tasks that none of you are capable of performing alone. So on the day you were installed, joined to the congregation as a called servant of the Church, when you were asked if you were ready to perform the overwhelming tasks of ministry, and you declared, “Yes, with the help of God.”

They did, too.

When asked if they would support you in your endeavors, they declared that just as you had promised to do what was humanly impossible, so would they, and they said to you, “Yes, with the help of God.”

Watch and see the body of Christ at work in this season of wonder and joy!

And marvel and rejoice, because He has heard your prayer!

Now I’m really hoping that on Monday the 26th of December, you’ll be pooped. That’s good! This is an important month of worship and growth in the life of your congregation. You’ve got a lot of hard work to do.

I’m confidant that you’ll do you duty, work hard and get good and tired.

Not exhausted. Not depleted. Just good and tired after a hard month’s effort. With a smile on your face remembering the many, many ways the body of Christ came alongside you this month.

There’s always more that could be done, and there are always more members of the body that could be involved, but your Christmas family will be showing up this month, already has I imagine, in many and various ways.

When the decorators decorate, smile and give thanks. Your Christmas family is at work.

When the musicians make music, smile and give thanks. Your Christmas family is at work.

When the greeters greet, when the cleaners clean, when the ushers, well, “ush,” smile and give thanks. Your Christmas family is at work.

Like you, they’re ordinary people that the Lord is using as His extraordinary servants, so that the Word of a Savior’s presence among us might be proclaimed with faith and joy.

Not elves. Not angels. Just the people of God.

Reminding you that you’re not alone.

May the presence of Jesus in the hands and feet and lips of His body, the Church, bring you joy this Christmas.

Thanks for reading.