Pastor Appreciation Day

Pastor Appreciation Day became popular in 1992 when Hallmark introduced greeting cards. In 1994, Focus on the Family led the charge to celebrate pastors. It encouraged congregations to celebrate their pastor in a special way on the second Sunday of October. The idea of showing appreciation for your pastors is biblical and can be traced back […]

A great way to say “Thank You” to God

Monthly theme: Why Wellness? Reading time: two minutes. “For all this…” is the reason. Self-care is the what. Why wellness? So far this month, we’ve discussed resilience, longevity and witness to the Gospel. The fourth answer to “Why wellness?” is “Thank and praise, serve and obey.” When Luther recounts all of God’s goodness to us […]

Your wellness is your witness

Monthly Theme: Why Wellness? Reading time: two minutes. I know how flight attendants feel. We’ve all heard the “oxygen mask speech.” And we all wonder if anyone is listening. I hope you are. When traveling with those who need your assistance, putting on your own oxygen mask first is a testimony to your core value. […]

The “Wellness Decline Curve” that will surprise you

Monthly theme: Why Wellness? Reading time: two minutes. Who’s your fitness idol? I hope it’s not the muscle-bound gym freak or the wispy super-model. How about Moses? Moses was a great example of the wellness in decline curve that God designed for us. Here’s what I mean… You can’t fight the decline of aging through […]

Are you well? Here’s 4 wellness touchpoints for 2023.

Are you well? Here are 4 four wellness touchpoints for 2022. Monthly Theme: Why Wellness? Reading time: two minutes. So, what does flourishing in ministry look like? How do you define wellness? It’s essential to consider what your spiritual, emotional, physical and vocational health look like when you’re at your best. Otherwise, as the saying […]

Christmas blessings from Grace Place Wellness/LCEF

You’ve been a faith-full proclaimer, now be a grace-full receiver of Christmas blessing. May the hope of a God who is with us bear you into a new year of Gospel ministry. May the peace of which angels sang fill your heart as you rest and renew. May the joy of knowing Jesus and seeing […]