Your Christmas family is already at work. Hooray!

Monthly theme: Yes, with the help of God! Reading time: two minutes Here’s the bad news about the Christmas season at your church: There’s more to be done than is humanly possible. Here’s the good news: There’s more to be done than is humanly possible. Yes, that’s good! When the Lord of the Church brought […]

They want to know YOUR Christmas story

Monthly theme: “Yes, with the help of God” Reading time: two minutes You defined what your ministry would be in your first day at the church. It may be your best, (and shortest) sermon ever. When you were asked if you were ready to fulfill the duties of your call, you said, “Yes, with the […]

Thankful, even for the challenges

Reading time: two minutes You’re entering into one of the most challenging, busy seasons of ministry. I know your heartfelt thanks for all the blessings in your life: family, fitness, food, faith, friends. Can you be thankful in the midst of challenges and hardships, such as those the days ahead will surely bring? How about […]

Are your dollars sneaking out?

Monthly theme: Intentionality Reading time: two minutes When’s the best time to plant a tree? Thirty years ago. When’s the second best time? Today. Our good friend from Concordia Plans, Eustolio Gomez taught this “Canadian Proverb” at about 200 Grace Place retreats! Isn’t it odd how thirty years can seem to disappear overnight? We would […]

Is poor physical condition sneaky? Well, sometimes.

Monthly theme: Intentionality Reading time: two minutes Fleetwood Mac sang, “I can’t help it ’bout the shape I’m in…” True. Sort of. We’re all born with certain physical limits, some with greater limits than others. The sudden onset of illness or an injury will certainly affect our physical capacity. But while physical incapacity is sometimes […]

Thank you. Seriously. Thank you!

Reading time: two minutes. Thank you. Even if every last person who was blessed by your ministry in the past month has said it, you haven’t heard it enough. Thank you. One day, when we are all over-awed by the glory and splendor of the heavenly Jerusalem, you’ll hear it more often. At least that’s […]