February 2, 2016

Reading time: less than two minutes.

When your eyes of faith are opened by the Spirit to see and say, “Jesus did that!” joy follows.  Couple on Lap2I’m convinced that joy is our Spirit-given response to recognizing the ongoing, frequent, surprising but completely expected work of Jesus in our lives.

What a joy it is for me to be married to someone who constantly brings the gift of joy into our home.  My beloved Carol is the presence of Christ’s forgiving, welcoming, sweet-smelling love.

I hope you are both a receiver and a bearer of Christ’s love in your household!When Paul describes for the Ephesians the new-creation kind of love between a man and a woman in the bonds of marriage, he describes something that only Christians can understand.

Wives recognize that kind of love when they see it.  When a husband shows that his love for his wife is absolute and complete, so great that he would lay down his life for her, just as Christ did for the Church, she can tell.  Few of us have the calling to literally surrender our lives for our wives, but they know how much we love them by the way we handle the smaller things.

Washing of Feet 1It might be easier to take a bullet than it is to consistently take out the garbage without being asked, but we do it because we know how much she hates doing it.  Finding those things in life that are her greatest burden and then gladly bearing them so she won’t have to (no matter how much I hate doing it myself) is sacrificial love.

It’s the kind of love that makes a woman say, “I know what the love of Jesus is like.  You’d do anything for me.  I really am your precious treasure, aren’t I?”  What woman, loved in that way, wouldn’t consider it a privilege to live gladly and joyfully under the guardianship of a man like that?

And when a wife shows her husband respect in the way that he cherishes the most, by affirming Coupleredheartwhat a great job he is doing of bearing the responsibility for the wellbeing, security and happiness of his wife and children, he discovers the love of Jesus shining through her.  He says, “I know Jesus’ love when you honor me for fulfilling my responsibility toward you.  It makes me feel complete when you tell me so.”

“Wives, respect your husbands.  Husbands, love your wives.”  In this we experience the unity that God intends for those who have left all others, who have released their hold on everything and everyone else in order to cleave to one another.

Just as Christ loved us and laid down His life for us.  How can you be a bearer of the love of Jesus to your special someone today?

Thanks for reading.

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