November 26, 2020

A Word from the Lord

“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.” Matthew 25:23

A Word of Encouragement

God notices your ministry efforts, whether you make the evening news or not! And we know your faithfulness, hard work, and prayerful service even when overwhelmed. Thank you!

We’re Praying for You

“Thank You, Father, for every good gift I need to follow where You lead, for fruitful ministry I often fail to recognize, and for the appreciation showed by those I serve. Amen.”

Renewal Moment

Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. “Lord, have mercy.” Thanksgiving for the joy of ministry.

Marker of Wellbeing

Emotional As I grow in God’s grace of Emotional PEACE, I am finding joy in HARMONY with others by the healing power of forgiveness.