October 4, 2016

Reading time: two minutes.

My friend and mentor, Dr John Eckrich, the Founder of Grace Place Wellness, uses a phrase that I just love: response-ability.  To keep with my theme of four words to simplify each component of the Lutheran Wellness Wheel, I’ve made the phrase into a sentence.  “I am response able.”

Remember the prayer we talked about a few weeks ago, “If I should wake before I die, I pray the 3-women-exercising-on-streetLord to show me why”?  At the age of eighty, Moses was sent to lead God’s people out of captivity, and Moses was ready to go.  I don’t know what the Lord has in store for me at eighty, but I want to be ready to go when he calls.

I want to wake up every day and make the most of the present God has given me.  (Get it, “the present”?)  I might be coming to your neighborhood soon to speak and to serve you and your ministry, and when I get there, I want you to get my best.

Here’s a couple lessons I’m learning about response-ability so that when you call, when my family calls, and when the Lord Jesus calls, I can say every day, “Sure, I’m response able.”I love playing outside or on the floor or in the pool with my three grandchildren.  As long as they want to say, “Hey, Grandpa, play with us,” I want to say, “I am response able.  What would you like to do?”

I love golf.  I find it therapeutic and enjoyable.  I’d really like to shoot my age on the course, (which means I may have to live to the age of 114,) so I’m trying to take care of myself.

It’s a stewardship issue.  I think it goes beyond the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed.  The dumbell-and-tennis-shoeSecond Article tells us that our salvation is wrapped up in the human physicality of Jesus, who was able to respond to the Father’s call to lay down His body for us.  It’s also closely connected with the Third Article’s reminder that we will physically rise from death to live in the new creation body forever.

So here’s my very, very quick, four word encouragements for a healthier lifestyle.

Walk like you’re late.  Most of us could get the vast majority of the exercise we need with a brisk 30 minute walk each day.  Start slow and short.  Speed up; go longer.  (Wow, four words again!)  Try walking.  It really works.

“I don’t eat that!”  Eliminate something from your diet that is insulting your body.  Drop some fruit_not_candyempty calories by removing one item of junk.  Remind yourself for three months, “I don’t eat that.”  Say it like you mean it.  Then find another.  After a while, you’ll be eating healthy.

Get an accountability partner.  Find someone who loves you and will be your encouragement.  We all need supporters who are invested in our wellbeing.

Say it with me: “I am response able.”  Okay, now go for it!

Thanks for reading.

Do you serve in a multiple staff setting in a church, Lutheran school, university or social service ministry?  Discover how a Ministry Team Wellness Workshop can help enhance your team ministry by building the unity, spiritual life and communication essential to partnership in ministry.  Contact Program Director Darrell Zimmerman for more information.