March 25, 2020

Welcome the Spirit’s Gift of BAPTISMAL GRACE

A WORD FROM THE LORD Jesus told (the 72) “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven” Luke 10:20

A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT For the seventy-two, ministry was great, but for you, it’s rather challenging these days. Jesus tells us all to find our joy not in what we do for God, but in what He has done for us. Your name is written in heaven!

WE’RE PRAYING FOR YOU “Blessed Jesus, this life of ministry has ups and downs, so remind me often that my joy is Your perfect grace toward me. Amen.”

RENEWAL MOMENT Take a deep breath. Exhale Slowly. “Lord, have mercy.” Thanksgiving for BAPTISMAL GRACE.

MARKER OF WELLBEING Baptismal As I grow in God’s grace of Baptismal LOVE, I am finding joy in my IDENTITY as His new creation in Christ.