September 7, 2020

GPW Minute for 9/7 – Vocational Encouragement from 1 Thessalonians (Part 1)!

1 Thessalonians and Your Labor of Love

A WORD FROM THE LORD “We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3

A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT Ministry is hard, but the motivation of God’s love working in you and through you will sustain you in trying times!

WE’RE PRAYING FOR YOU “Father in heaven, when long days lead to weariness, renew me in the gift of my Savior’s love, that I also may serve others, prompted by love. Amen.”

RENEWAL MOMENT Take a deep breath. Exhale Slowly. “Lord, have mercy.” Thanksgiving for the call to serve in love!

MARKER OF WELLBEING: Vocational As I grow in God’s grace of Vocational GENTLENESS, I am finding joy in HUMILITY as I serve through my calling and gifts.