October 22, 2019

Reading time: two minutes.

I’m listening to baseball free-agent-season talk on the radio and frankly, I don’t get it. The one talk-jock said, “Why would he want to be a Cardinal instead of a Yankee?” and his partner responded, “More money.” Seriously? You’d walk away from your preferred team and play for a team you didn’t want to be part of just for more money?

And another thing: what exactly is the difference between making $16 million a year and $18 million? How could you even tell?  C S Lewis says it’s not greed, but pride. You don’t need another $2 million; it’s just that the guy playing for the Cubs makes $17 million.

Financial wellness for church workers is sometimes (sadly) a matter of dollars and cents, but it is always a matter of the heart. Have you resolved the money issue at your house?

One of the main ways our culture measures a person’s worth is monetarily, which is entirely unbiblical. People of faith know that our value is based on the invoice our Father payed to purchase us back from sin and death: one beloved Son.

And “he who did not spare his Son” will indeed also provide for us “all that we need to support this body and life.” Our Father’s faithfulness is a daily source of wonder and awe, reason to sing and give thanks. In his wisdom and love, he sometimes even allows us to go through times of drought, testing our faith in his faithfulness, strengthening our confidence in his provision.

God’s faithfulness to his children is a source of joy. The eyes of faith recognize his generosity even in times of want, and rejoice that he never forgets, always supplies.

The fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness. God who is endlessly faithful invites us to join with him in being instruments of his provision for the needs of the world through our own generosity. It takes faith to “give stupidly,” beyond what people without faith would deem wise.

Sharing with others, not from our shortstop salaries, but from our church worker salaries, takes faith. God gives faith, and faithfulness, to continue on with our acts of generosity when the centerfielder would wonder what we’re doing.

I worry about the children of baseball players sometimes, and I hope and pray that they will learn about generosity. I’m glad that there are people like you setting the example of faithful giving as you lead God’s people of faith into their own journey of faithfulness in giving, and in the discovery of what a joy it is to be able to join with God in his providential provision.

Thanks for your acts of faithfulness. Thanks for reading.

Do you serve in a multiple staff setting in a church, Lutheran school, university or social service ministry?  Discover how a Ministry Team Wellness Workshop can help enhance your team ministry by building the unity, spiritual life and communication essential to partnership in ministry.  Contact Program Director Darrell Zimmerman for more information.