January 28, 2020

Reading time: two minutes.

Don’t get all spiritual on me. Just because Jesus said, “Man does not live on bread alone…” doesn’t mean that your Creator and Sustainer has no regard for what goes in your mouth. There’s a sort of functional Neo-Platonism running around in church worker circles among those who say to themselves, “My faith life is in order. What shape my body is in doesn’t matter.”

We’ve got important work to do and our hands, feet, ears, lips and various organs and glands are the tools our Father gave us to use to his glory. When God sent Elijah back out from under the broom tree to pursue his unfinished ministry, healthy physical nourishment was a part of his restoration (see 1 Kings 19:6-8). Here’s a couple thoughts to encourage you in healthy eating.

Let’s start by saying that body worship is idolatry. Don’t succumb to the culture’s images of over-exercised and under-fed Muscle Beach guys or size 2 gals as the ideal body type. Healthy people come in all shapes and sizes. Carrying too much weight is dangerous, but so is extreme fixation on what your body looks like in a swim suit.

Know your body, and listen to your body. Figure out what habits of rest, hydration, and healthy eating help you feel invigorated and ready for action the next day and which habits leave you feeling sluggish, dull unable to respond when your Lord, your family and your ministry call. It feels good to feel good and today’s choices impact how you feel tomorrow. Learn what makes your body thrive; listen to it and respond accordingly.

Focus on food that God says is food, not food that Sara Lee says is food. Eden’s diet was plant based, with an allowance for meat after the flood. Daniel and his friends had the right idea and their decision to eat natural paid off with vigor, creativity and sharp minds.

Get some advice. The Naturally Slim program from Concordia Plans Services is EXCELLENT! Even though I haven’t applied everything I’ve learned as much as I desire, I’ve learned dozens of new things and I’m benefitting already.

And remember that there is Grace! Don’t fall into the cycle of seeking comfort in food, followed by guilt and shame followed by indulgence in more comfort, and then more shame. God’s mercy covers all of our weakness. His love is greater than our lapses into indulgence.

And remember that there is Grace! God also created cocoa beans and sugar beets for our enjoyment! Eat healthy (most of the time) and enjoy the delight of a treat once in a while too!

Next Week: the refreshing power of a Word from the Lord.

Thanks for reading.

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