March 22, 2016

Reading time: one minute… (Busy week, right?)

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is sure and certain.  The hope of everlasting life is guaranteed.  stone rolled awayThe imminent return of Jesus is absolutely, 100%, rock solid going to happen.  These things we can count on.

Everything else, including your best plans for worship this week, are on much more shaky ground.

I know you are stressed about every musician’s preparation, the placement of every lily, and whether or not every acolyte will show up or not.  I’ve been there.  Thirty times.

So here’s my gift to you.  I am praying for you.  I’m committed to an hour of extra prayer each day this week for the pastors of our church.  I love you.  I’m with you.  I feel your anxiety.

More importantly, Jesus loves you, is with you and knows the concerns of your heart.  That’s why He and I will be having some conversation about you this week.

My prayers are shaky, feeble, and inadequate, but my Savior lives and you can count on Him.

And I’m absolutely confident and certain of this: because you gather with His people around Word and Sacrament this week, Jesus, our living Savior, will show up and something wonderful will happen.

Health and Joy to you this week.  You’re in my prayers!