December 20, 2016

Christmas Special reading time: about a minute!

This week, in many and various ways, you are bearing the good news of our Savior’s birth to His own dear children, and because you are such a faithful servant, carefully sharing the life-changing Word, God’s people are filled with joy.

I’m hoping that you are too.  Joy carries us through busy times.  As you focus on the wondrous story, remember to pause and let God do His work in you also.  As you see the parts of this story that only God Himself could accomplish, celebrate the joy of His work in your own heart.

Here are a few of my favorite joy makers from the story of the Savior’s birth that always bring me joy.

We do not live in a closed universe.  God bursts through to our side of the curtain for His saving purposes.  Angels sneak through and appear to a young virgin, a carpenter, some shepherds.  There’s more to this world than meets the eye.  Joy.

In faith, humble Mary says, “May it be to me as you have said.”  Joy.

The King of the Universe lies in a bed of straw.  The mighty has become weak that the weak might become mighty.  Joy.

The song of angels continues to reverberate in every corner of the earth on this holy night.  Joy.

Caesar establishes new taxation policies from headquarters in Rome.  A Child is born in the Royal City of David.  God shows who’s in charge.  Joy.

Shepherds say, “Let’s go see.”  Millions continue the tradition.  Joy.

The Lord has come.  May His gift of JOY fill you all week long.  A joyful Christmas to you and your family.

Thanks for reading.