Relational Wellbeing and Romans 1

Reading time: less than three minutes. I’m convinced I’m right.  I’ve been testing my theory in congregations over the past couple of years, and I think I can say from my research that I have this figured out. When mutual trust, respect and love prevail, the Church and its workers thrive. And sadly, I find […]

Healthy Churches Are Built on Trust!

Reading time: three minutes. Are there scarier words in the world than “Trust me!”?  I’ve got older brothers.  Growing up, when I heard “Trust me,” it was usually followed by something cataclysmic, a couple of bruises and potentially a few stitches.  Over the years, we all learn that the safest response to the question, “Do you […]

Health and Joy at District Conventions!

Reading time: three minutes. I didn’t attend all 35 district conventions, just a small sample of about a half dozen.  Michigan will just be wrapping up when you receive this, completing the cycle for this season. I was impressed by the measure of health and wellness I experienced.  If you don’t mind, I’ll break from […]

Relational Unity Is the Power of WE!

Reading time: less than three minutes. John Wooden, the legendary basketball coach at UCLA, said it well: “It takes ten hands to make a basket.”   We were not created for solo work.  We work best in teams, as a body. We left off last week with Elijah in despair, crying out to the Lord, […]

JOY Is Relational Unity!

Reading time: less than 3 minutes If you had to do without either your brain, your heart or your muscles, which would you be willing to surrender?  You wouldn’t last long without any one of the three.  Let me tell you about three pastors who worked together in the most joyful experience of relational unity […]

Relational Wellbeing Is… Unity!

Reading time 3 minutes Does God dance? The Lord of the Dance: God is perfect unity The ancient church fathers thought so.  The word they used for the divine dance of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit was perichoresis.  Think of “peri” like perimeter; it means “around.”  “Choresis,” as in choreography, means to dance.  Perichoresis […]