June 12, 2018

Reading time: two minutes.

A refresher is a little kick in the pants, a way to shake things up a bit and to get out of the ordinary.  Summer might be a good time to pay a little extra attention to a relationship that’s important to you by doing something a little out of the ordinary.

And just a reminder in case you had forgotten: fun is legal and permissible.  It’s okay to be off duty, to let your hair down, to wear goofy looking summertime clothes, show off your knobby knees and have some plain old ordinary good times.

Here’s some suggestions to get you thinking about refreshing a relationship by having a few smiles this summer… An old friendship.  Maybe the relationship you need to refresh is an old friendship.  They say that we can only keep contact with about 150 people at any given time.  As we add new relationships, some just drift away.  Summer could be a good time to think about that relationship you miss, but need in your life.  Reconnect.  Get someone you love and miss back onto your A-list.

Your spouse.  Church workers live very hectic lives between Labor Day and Easter.  Summertime is a good time to refresh our marriages.  Here’s a suggestion: how about a nostalgia date?  Did you have a favorite place to go together when you were younger?  Maybe close to where you first met, or a favorite anniversary restaurant, or a favorite park that you haven’t visited in a long time.  Make a new memory by revisiting an old one.

Family fun time.  If you have children at home, make a summertime memory and find time to reconnect.  When our kids were teenagers, we sometimes didn’t hear much about what was going on in their lives, except when we took them to the ballpark.  Facing the field at a Cardinals game, (and strategically sitting kid-parent-kid-parent-kid) we got to overhear all kinds of things as they laughed and gossiped and talked together about life.  Get out on a boat with the teenagers and see what happens.

Church.  Do you still have a church picnic?  Try as best you can to be “off-duty” and connect with members more on the level of hotdogs and softball and watermelon.  If you haven’t had a church picnic in a while, maybe it’s time…

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Are you interested in helping bring a Grace Place Wellness Retreat to your region?  We’d love to hear from you.  Contact our President/CEO Randy Fauser today to begin exploring the possibilities.  Let’s have a conversation about bringing our Church Worker Retreat to your area soon!