May 29, 2018

Reading time: two minutes.

Happy Memorial Day!  It’s summertime!  For the next eight weeks, we’ll work our way around the Lutheran Wellness Wheel and suggest some summertime refreshments.  Today: Baptismal Wellbeing.

Baptismal wellness is all about our Identity in Christ Jesus.  It’s the day by day battle to remember that I’m not defined by how well the circumstances in my life are going these days.  I’m defined by the perfect, redeeming love of Almighty God who claimed me, cleansed me and said, “You’re Mine!”

I think a great baptismal refresher would be a mini-retreat, a short get-away to be renewed in the wonder of God’s ever-present, undeserved, forgiving love and grace.  Here’s what it might look like… A baptismal, mini-getaway retreat could be a very simple thing.  First, mark it on your calendar.  Pick a day a week or so out, then block off a half day, or a work day from 9-5, but commit to taking a renewal break.

Next, get away from the office and find a place of beauty.  Where’s your favorite outdoor spot?  Is it close to home?  Is it at your home?  Your favorite tree or garden spot could be a perfect place for reflection and meditation.  Maybe it’s a little ways away; down to the beach or up to the mountain or beside your favorite lake.  Make sure you’ve got a comfortable chair, a place to really relax.

Then, just spend some time letting Jesus love you.  Don’t think.  Don’t argue about why He shouldn’t.  Don’t make bargains.  Just be still and know that He is God, and that what He does best is love.  Remember the gift of your baptism and the promise He made to you that His love would always be yours.  Think of Luther’s comment in the Large Catechism: “Let everyone regard his baptism as the daily garment he is to wear all the time.”

If you need a little more deliberate refresher, take a notebook for journaling.  Begin with a list of the undeserved blessings of God in your life.  That should keep you busy for a couple weeks!  Spend some gratitude time in praise to such a wonderful God who loves you so much.  Write a Thank You letter.

Take a nap.  Full hearts sleep well.

Before you wrap up your mini-retreat, write yourself a note about what the day has meant to you.  Keep it handy for next February, or for whenever you might need a baptismal renewal.

Like, maybe… every day.

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