November 17, 2015

Praying time: less than three minutes.

Baptismal renewal is a privilege for us moment by moment throughout the course of every day.  I pray for you every day.  I hope this prayer might be your own!

Holy, blessed, eternal God, You shine with the light of glory.  The flaming seraphs shining_sunwho are always before Your throne  fade and diminish in comparison to You, their Creator.  My brothers Peter, James and John glimpsed a reflection of Your glory in the face of my Savior, Jesus, and they fell face down, terrified.  Holy, Holy, Holy is Your name, O Lord.

It fills me with wonder that You would invite me to stand one day in the presence of Your perfect holiness.  How wondrous that You, the only One who is holy, would call me Your own dear child.

African American man praying in church

I rejoice that by Your gift of faith I am sometimes able to grasp even the slightest sense of what it means that You have made me to share in Your own holiness. Sometimes I get it, almost, in some small way.  But my faith is weak, Lord, and my vision of eternity is clouded.  So often, actually, most of the time, I just can’t see it.  I don’t feel like a saint, a holy one.  I don’t act like one either.

And yet, it’s what You do.  You washed the earth clean in the watery flood, and rescued Noah for a brand-new beginning.  You brought the grumbling Israelites through the waters of the Red Sea and made them free, brand-new, Your own dear children.

And in the washing of the water and the Word, You really did do the same for me.

The Fruit of Your Holy Spirit, given to me in my baptism, is love.  I need Your love today, Lord.  I need it right now, in this moment.  I’ll need it an hour from now, and a moment after that, too, or all will be lost.  Teach me to quiet my heart, my mind and my body to rest and find refreshment in the fountain of Your love.

As I make now the sign of the cross, both upon my forehead and upon my heart, watersplashremind me again that the fount of Your love never stops flowing into my life.  Through the rest of this day, no matter what trials befall me, no matter what temptation causes me to stumble, no matter what anxiety directs my eyes away from You, no matter what disappointment crushes me, this shall be my cry of faith: I am sealed with the guarantee and promise of the Holy Spirit.  I am a child of the Lord most high, my Lord and my God.  Amen.

God grant you the peace of His baptismal grace!

Thanks for praying.

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