Kaleidoscope Fund
There is no Kaleidoscope Fund grant cycle at this time.
LCEF Awards Grants to 28 LCMS Elementary Schools
The Kaleidoscope Fund, a granting program established by Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF), has awarded a total of $592,606 to 28 Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) elementary schools throughout the United States.
“We rejoice in our Lutheran educators and schools because they not only bring top-level academic excellence to the classroom, but a thorough and compelling presentation of our faith in Christ,” said Rev. Bart Day, LCEF president and CEO. “This is important because the face of Christianity is changing, and our schools have become outposts for the proclamation of Christ. We share a fervent passion to support and empower their work in any way we can — like the Kaleidoscope Fund.”
Eligible grant proposals included faculty wellness, curriculum development, technology improvement and student engagement/outreach.

Grants for faculty development are intended to support activities and services that improve the wellbeing of faculty and improve their engagement with students. Seven schools received grants for this purpose.
St. Paul’s – Oconomowoc, Wis.
Christ – Phoenix, Ariz.
St. John’s – Portage, Wis.
First Evangelical – Glencoe, Minn.
Christ the King – Memphis, Tenn.
Emmanuel – Kahului, Hawaii
Immanuel – Gaylord, Minn.
Grants for curriculum development are intended to enhance academic offerings of schools through improvement to curriculum or development of new programs. Seven curriculum development grants were given.
Elm Grove –Elm Grove, Wis.
Trinity –Freistadt, Wis.
Immanuel – Crystal Lake, Ill.
Holy Trinity – Edmond, Okla.
Trinity – Edwardsville, Ill.
St. John – Berlin, Wis.
Immanuel – Albuquerque, N.M.
Technology grants are intended to improve, upgrade or purchase new technology equipment to improve the learning environment. Seven schools received technology grants.
Our Redeemer – Wauwatosa, Wis.
St. John – Ocala, Fla.
Emmanuel – Asheville, N.C.
Bethany – Overland Park, Kan.
Trinity First – Minneapolis, Minn.
CCLS Academy at Bethlehem – St Louis, Mo.
Open Arms Institute – Fort Pierce, Fla.
Grants for student engagement and outreach are intended to aid the school in deepening relationships with students and reaching into the community. Seven schools will benefit from these grants.
Christ – Little Rock, Ark.
Grace – Winter Haven, Fla.
Memorial – Houston, Texas
St. James – Shawano, Wis.
Trinity – Kalispell, Mont.
Trinity – Indianapolis, Ind.
Trinity – Lombard, Ill.
Join us as we congratulate the 2022 Kaleidoscope Fund recipients and prayerfully support their endeavors to proclaim the Good News of salvation in Christ, our Lord.