MID-SOUTH & SOUTHERN ILLINOIS DISTRICTS Scott Roberts Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
— Proverbs 3:5-6


Scott and his wife, Kelly, have two children, Nathan and Lindsey, and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Buddy. His family attends Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in St. Louis, MO.

Scott received his bachelor’s degree in exercise science at Truman State University, master’s degree in exercise physiology and biomechanics at Iowa State University and master’s degree in business administration at Lindenwood University.

A diverse work background that consists but is not limited to the following:

  • Started his own business and created a patent pending product.
  • Marketing in the medical device and manufacturing sectors.
  • Healthcare business development.
  • Healthcare operations and practice management.
  • Performance training leadership for a thriving business, a start-up division and a turnaround opportunity.

Scott currently remains active in his church as a volunteer leader for the African Youth Ministry program. He previously enjoyed serving on the Board of Elders, the Health Center Task Force Committee and the Child Care Center Board as a member and Chairperson.

Scott enjoys exercising, sports, and he loves spending time with his family.

Since 1978, Lutheran Church Extension Fund has been The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod based financial partner to help make the Gospel of Christ heard.

You can feel good partnering with LCEF because we share your Lutheran beliefs. We also share your love for the Church. Always have. Always will.


  • 314-885-6555
  • Scott.Roberts@lcef.org
  • PO Box 229009 | St. Louis, MO 63122