With Lutheran Church Extension Fund, your investment is not just about earning interest. It’s about making a significant impact on our community. It’s about sustaining and strengthening LCMS churches and schools, which in turn reach people with God’s word and Christ’s compassion.

That’s what the one-year fixed-rate term note at 4.25% is all about.

  • Open an account with just $500.
  • Invest as much as you desire. No maximum limit.
  • Interest payments are made quarterly.

This Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) investment for LCMS individuals, congregations and organizations provides an excellent return for those seeking short-term growth.

Opening an account online is fast and easy.

Invest now

We share your love for the church

For over 45 years, we’ve been the financial arm of the LCMS.

What does this mean? It’s simple. When you invest with LCEF, you join tens of thousands of investors who make funds available for loans to our churches, schools, organizations and workers.

Open an account online or call our office at 800-843-5233 to start today.

A banner featuring various LCEF loan figures

Richard Tatara Investor

“My wife and I were starting to save money for our children’s college education, and we decided to put some of that college education money in LCEF. It’s a great place to help the church and a great place to have money. We continued to put money into those college funds at LCEF through the years, and it actually paid off greatly for us because when the economic downturn hit in 2008, our investments in LCEF were absolutely rock solid.”

Voters Assembly Chairman | Bethany Lutheran Church Naperville, Ill.

Sarah GrackInvestor

“I’m an LCEF investor because we believe in what LCEF does for Lutheran schools and churches. LCEF allows schools like St. John’s to be able to do projects and building programs that normally would not be able to be done. It allows us to continue to grow and innovate so we can add more children, more families and more members to help us to continue to spread the Gospel and support the community around us.”

Technology and Innovation Director | St. John’s Lutheran School Orange, Calif.

Marissa Kroenke Investor

“When I was in high school, my parents enrolled me in a financial literacy course. They felt it was important that we learn how to manage money, how to budget. So they set me up with an LCEF emergency fund. Now that I’ve grown up and my husband and I have started having children, we’re glad that money can be in a place where it is benefiting the church, our schools, and missions.”

Deaconess | Grace Lutheran Church & School St. Petersburg, Fla.