Grace Place Wellness
If you’re like most ministry workers, your heartbeat is to minister the Gospel effectively. You live your life for God and His people, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. But many of us, after a few years in the “real world” of ministry, faced questions that never crossed our minds in college or seminary.
Grace Place helps church workers find relief from the pressures they face while avoiding the traps that lead to burnout, sin and despair. And the practices we’ve developed over the years keep pastors and church workers joyful, vibrant and whole for as long as they’re in ministry.

Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry

Reclaiming the Joy of a Church Vocation
Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Baptismal Wellness
The Baptismal Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of Christian identity grounded in the grace of God, the forces that challenge a healthy baptismal identity and practical ways to renew the baptismal grace of God while enduring the anxieties of daily life in ministry.
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Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Relational Wellness
The Relational Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of the joy of living in unity with family, friends, church and co-workers, the challenges of a life in ministry that threaten the joy of loving, intimate relationships, and guidance to develop and sustain healthy patterns of Christ-centered relationships.
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Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Intellectual Wellness
The Intellectual Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of healthy communication in relationships based on compassionate curiosity, careful listening to the life stories of others and the sharing of one’s own story, and guidance for the development of a plan to enhance life-giving communication at home and in the church.
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Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Emotional Wellness
The Emotional Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of the power of grace to restore relationships broken by conflict, the importance of self-examination, the life-giving nature of mutual confession and forgiveness, and guidance for developing a personalized plan for managing conflict and restoring healthy relationships.
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Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Vocational Wellness
The Vocational Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of a balanced life in ministry, understand their own vocational struggles, envision a healthier approach to balancing the demands of personal, family and ministerial life, and seek the encouragement and support needed to continue in a long, vibrant life of service in the church.
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Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Physical Wellness
The Physical Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of a balanced and healthy approach to care of the body and life, the challenges of a ministry lifestyle that are detrimental to good physical health and a realistic and personal plan for recovery from past physical suffering and for making healthier choices for a long and productive life in ministry.
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Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Financial Wellness
The Financial Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of the joy of managing God’s blessing of material wealth, the unique financial strains of a life in Christian ministry and the development of a balanced financial plan that includes generosity as a faithful response to God’s abundant blessing.
Click here to purchase.
Other Resources from Grace Place
Vocation and Wellness: Renew Your Energy for Christian Living by John D. Eckrich M.D.
Is your job killing you? Renew your joy through a doctor’s proven prescription for re-energizing health and wellness in your body, mind, and soul. This book, written by Grace Place founder John Eckrich, M.D., will help you identify and replace the energy-depleting patterns that keep you from experiencing God’s fullness in your vocation.
Click here to purchase.
Family Wellness: Raising Resilient, Christ-Purposed Children by John D. Eckrich M.D.
Is your family well in every sense of the word: physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally? Using five core character values, John Eckrich, M.D., founder of Grace Place Ministries, will show you how to build a strong Christian family.
Click here to purchase.
Fear, Anxiety and Wellness: Journey to a Heart at Peace by John D. Eckrich M.D.
Fear and anxiety are linked chains of human emotions that continually erode our wellbeing. This book offers powerful and practical guidance from a medical, behavioral, and Christ-directed perspective to help you on the journey to a heart at peace.
Click here to purchase.
Resilient Aging and Wellness: Mindful Stewardship of Body, Mind and Spirit into the Next Season of Living by John D. Eckrich M.D.
Getting older with resilience is far more about being functional, vibrant and joyful than it is about discomfort, separation and loss. Learn to affirm your relationship with God and your worth as God’s child as you understand the critical components to the “whole care” of human life. Click here to purchase.
Click here to purchase.