Ministry Expansion Campaigns for Schools
You have a desire to expand your school, build and grow while sharing the life-saving message of the Gospel with the next generation. When working with the Ministry Solutions team at LCEF, each process is unique, but the result is the same: Your school is joyfully and effectively fulfilling its purpose within the Kingdom.
Design and prep the campaign
Private Invitation
The Private Invitation Phase begins with the procurement of lead gifts and connections with special supporters. Your consultant guides this critical part of the process as you curate a major donor list and determine how each donor should be invited to participate, and assists in calling/engaging with those donors. This phase culminates with an Initial Commitment Event designed to bring lead gift donors together to make early commitments to the campaign.
Cultivate relationships with major donors
Public Invitation
Publicly launch the campaign
Giving begins, campaign events continue, hold a final celebration
LCEF has guided ministries through capital campaigns for many years.
We’ve learned over the decades and have come to operate under some clear critical theories:
Campaigns are about Ministry, not Money.
Money is simply a vehicle to see ministry expand in your congregation. Whether you are retiring debt, purchasing property or building a new facility, we help you focus on the ministry impact of the project that moves the hearts of your people to generously give.