Individual Retirement Accounts

Our retirement accounts offer a simple, faith-aligned way to save for a future filled with peace and purpose.

About Retirement Investments with LCEF


Planning for retirement doesn’t have to be overwhelming. At LCEF, our retirement investments make it easy to align your savings with your financial goals and your faith. Earn a competitive interest rate while empowering LCMS ministries to grow, thrive and share God’s love. It’s a partnership of Lutherans helping Lutherans, building a brighter future for you and God’s kingdom.

Don’t forget to set up regular contributions and become familiar with IRS limits each year, so your savings can grow over time.

Explore the Benefits

Open account with $100.

Compounded interest paid monthly.

Support LCMS Ministries.

MyAccount online and mobile app access.

Which retirement investment is right for you?

Traditional IRA

A traditional IRA can be attractive if you think you’ll be in a lower tax bracket when you retire.

Coverdell Education Savings Account

Withdrawals are tax-free for qualified elementary, secondary or higher education costs. Eligible expenses include tuition, computer equipment, room and board and more—including those for Lutheran schools.

Roth IRA

While a traditional IRA may yield an upfront tax break, a Roth IRA hands you that perk when you’re ready to retire—tax-free withdrawals.

IRA Term Notes

Choose from various fixed and floating interest rates with different durations. Interest is compounded and paid quarterly (March, June, September and December).

Jumbo IRA

Jumbo term notes are unique financial options that require a higher deposit ($100,000) in return for locking in on elevated interest rates, enhancing the overall returns on your investment. LCEF offers both fixed and floating rates. The floating rate option has an adjustable rate and allows deposits.

Dedicated Savings
Need access to your funds but still want a solid return without the risk? An IRA dedicated savings account may be just what you need.

IRA Dedicated Certificate


IRA Floating Jumbo Note

$100,00060 mos.4.500%4.577%180 days of interest

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are also available as fixed-rate term notes.

* APY is the annual percentage yield, representing the effective rate of interest when all principal and interest payments are retained in the investment balance.

Open Your IRA Today

Our step-by-step questionnaire guides you through the entire process of starting an IRA, making a contribution or rolling over assets from another financial organization or an employer-sponsored retirement plan.

Join Lutheran Investors Like You

Hear from LCMS members who have experienced the difference faith-driven financial solutions can make.


Have questions? Visit our IRA Service Center to learn more.

Helpful Documents

Open Your IRA Today

Our step-by-step questionnaire guides you through the entire process of starting an IRA, making a contribution or rolling over assets from another financial organization or an employer-sponsored retirement plan.

Still not sure which retirement account is right for you? Read more here.