Grace Place Wellness

If you’re like most ministry workers, your heartbeat is to minister the Gospel effectively. You live your life for God and His people, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. But many of us, after a few years in the “real world” of ministry, faced questions that never crossed our minds in college or seminary. 

Grace Place helps church workers find relief from the pressures they face while avoiding the traps that lead to burnout, sin and despair. And the practices we’ve developed over the years keep pastors and church workers joyful, vibrant and whole for as long as they’re in ministry.

About Grace Place Wellness

With its Grace Place Wellness mission, Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) will continue to expand and cultivate gifts for church workers of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in service of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through:

  • Retreats
  • Traditional wellness programming
  • Newly imagined and fully integrated wellness resources
We began to wonder if we could possibly be effective at church and still have time for our families, meet the demands of a congregation’s ever-present needs and keep up the pace of ministry life without falling apart at the seams.

Grace Place Wellness teaches professional church workers the attitudes, skills and practices that enable them to experience a long, joyful and flourishing career. We do so through in-person and virtual retreats, speaking appearances and a continual flow of fresh resources that teach the basic principles of The Wellness Wheel.

We also work with lay leaders to encourage and provide tips to intentionally care for professional church workers.

Become a better disciple of Christ, the Savior who can sympathize with our weaknesses.

Don’t become a statistic, fall apart or burn out.

Learn to live-and minister-from this place: This place called Grace.

Grow in Your Calling
Gain the confidence and skills to flourish for your entire career.
Find Stability
Learn how to strengthen all 8 areas of a healthy life.
Avoid Common Pitfalls
Discover hard-won ideas from experienced leadership.
Rest and Recharge
Learn the skills of preventative self-care.
Increase Effectiveness
Learn to live and work from a place of grace.

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Our Vision

To see professional church workers, with help from their congregations, engage in preventive self-care attitudes and practices to ensure a long, flourishing and productive ministry career, filled with vitality and joy.

Where do church workers go for help?
Grace Place Wellness was founded in 1999 by John D. Eckrich, M.D., an internist and gastroenterologist, who has provided integrated health care to many pastors, teachers, seminarians and their families for more than 35 years.

In his medical practice in St. Louis, Dr. Eckrich was astounded at the number of stress-related illnesses among Lutheran church workers.

In response to the burnout, he was treating in church professionals, he envisioned a program of teaching preventive self-care disciplines to keep workers healthy. He understood that if workers were not joyful, vigorous and balanced in their own body, mind and spirit, they could not effectively and abundantly serve the people placed in their care.

Dr. Eckrich and his pastoral care colleagues have now served thousands of Lutheran church workers, leaders and their families in hundreds of retreats throughout America and in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Following in Dr. Eckrich’s footsteps, our retreat leaders have taken Grace Place Wellness programming to every region of the country and worldwide through overseas missionary family retreats.

A message for all workers in ministry
Offered initially for pastors and their wives, Grace Place Wellness Retreats are now open to all workers in the church.

Specialized retreats have been offered for singles, DCEs, musicians, parish nurses and deaconesses. The LCMS Council of Presidents and Concordia University faculties have also participated in Grace Place Wellness retreats and programs.

If you are interested in a Grace Place retreat, connect with your district president. Your district president will work with Grace Place Wellness VP Greg Walton to arrange retreats.

Healthy leaders, healthy congregations
At Grace Place Wellness Ministries, we believe that healthy leaders lead healthy congregations and that healthy congregations encourage and support healthy leaders.

When pastor and people are together experiencing life in the body of Christ the way the Lord has intended it (see Ephesians 4), God is glorified and congregations fulfill their calling to share the saving love of Jesus.

Just as church workers are caregivers, congregations are also called to include their pastors and other servants of the Word in their ongoing work of mutual love and care. Grace Place Wellness offers tips to congregations who want to provide better intentional care to their church workers. As St. Paul wrote to the church in Rome:

“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:11–12

A vision for the church
Our vision is that congregations would be places of mutual encouragement and care between the called workers and the members of the church so that together they might reach out in love and service to their communities.

Grace Place Wellness is a preventive wellness ministry that seeks to positively impact the ministry of Christian congregations by encouraging workers in the church to lead the rich and full lives that Jesus intends for all of His children.

We also want to help ministries recognize the great value of investing in care for their church workers.

Now a part of LCEF, our staff has become popular presenters at professional church worker conferences on a wide range of topics related to church worker wellness.

Our Core Values

Healthy Churches
Grace Place works with congregations to help them understand the value in caring for their workers. Healthy churches are God’s design for His mission on earth. The scriptures offer description and prescription for the baptismal, spiritual, relational, intellectual, emotional, vocational, physical and financial wellness of local congregations. Healthy churches face fewer obstacles to ministry and display the work of God in their unity and service.
(Acts 2:42-47; Ephesians 4)

Intentional Self-Care
Professional church workers at their best are willing and able to practice daily and weekly self-care for the wellbeing of self and family. Joyful, healthy church workers offer more creative, vibrant ministry to those they serve and lead. Grace Place Wellness supports them by nurturing vitality and joy in ministry, inspiring and equipping church workers to lead healthy lives.
(John 14-17; Ephesians 4)

Healthy Church Workers
Healthy professional church workers are essential for healthy churches. The wellness of churches and their called workers are of mutual benefit to each other. The wellness of professional church workers is enhanced by healthy congregations, which are better served when their called workers are at their best, baptismally, spiritually, relationally, intellectually, emotionally, vocationally, physically and financially.
(1 Timothy 3; Titus 1)

Daily Renewal
Daily renewal in grace provides substantial healing for the wounds of life in ministry. Professional church workers often encounter obstacles to wellness due to the demands and expectations of their calling. Wise church workers are first receptive to the Holy Spirit’s gifts of grace for their own healing before administering those gifts to others.
(2 Timothy 3-4; 1 Kings 19)

The Grace Place Podcast

If you’re like most ministry workers, your heartbeat is to minister the Gospel effectively. You live your life for God and His people, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. Through our Grace Place Wellness Podcast, presented by Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF), we strive to help church workers find relief from the pressures they face while avoiding the traps that lead to burnout, sin and despair.

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Meet the Hosts

Rev. Tom Eggebrecht
Senior Vice President, Ministry Solutions Lutheran Church Extension Fund

Rev. Dr. Greg S. Walton
Vice President, Ministry Solutions, Grace Place Wellness

Ministry Sabbatical Resources

A ministry sabbatical experience is not beyond reach for a congregation due to membership size, ministry context or somewhat limited resources.

Creative and shared planning with lay leaders who are committed to the concept of sabbatical and to the effort necessary to design an experience that is beneficial for both staff and congregation will make it happen.

A ministry sabbatical can bless both the ministry leader and congregation. The program is designed to be, in as many ways as possible, a shared experience. The membership expects that they, both as a congregation and as individual members, will receive specific, tangible benefits from a ministry leader’s sabbatical.

What is a Ministry Sabbatical?

A ministry sabbatical is a period of time, usually three months, when ministry leaders and congregations set aside the leader’s normal responsibilities for the purpose of rest and renewal toward sustained excellence in ministry. It is not an extended vacation nor is it an academic sabbatical that normally involves extensive study, rather a ministry sabbatical is a release from the routine of the call for the physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual well-being of the church worker.
Planning a Sabbatical

It is recommended that congregations consider the sabbatical time for their ministry leader as a time of health and hope for the congregation and its lay leaders. Thoughtful planning is important for achieving a positive experience for the ministry leader and the congregation.


  1. A time for personal relaxation.
  2. A time to pursue personal interests.
  3. A time of renewal around things that will directly benefit the congregation

Congregation planning should be done by the same team that is assisting in the sabbatical planning for the church worker. Budgeting for increased expenses will be necessary. Setting aside a small portion over several years can reduce the financial impact during the sabbatical year. The congregation sabbatical focus could be connected to the focus of the pastor’s sabbatical, but it also could focus on special congregational needs or interests.

Ministry leaders and congregations can have significant fears related to the concept of a ministry sabbatical. Discussing and addressing these fears is critical to sabbatical success. Members may fear “What will become of us if our pastor is gone for three months?” Professional workers may fear another person filling their leadership role. The congregation sabbatical planning should address these fears.

Questions for the Ministry Leader

These questions will help the ministry leader/church worker form a ministry sabbatical plan:

  • In what areas of my life do I need renewal of health and hope?
  • How can I broaden and deepen my faith and vision during my sabbatical?
  • What are my strengths, gifts and competencies that I could build upon during this sabbatical time?
  • What are the areas of greatest stress in my work and life?
  • What are the most important things I hope to experience during the remaining years of my life?
  • What are the things I would like to let go of?
  • What are the things I have been praying for?
  • What are my core values?
  • What would I like to learn or experience during this sabbatical time?
  • What changes would I like to make in my life or work?
  • Can I envision what it will be like to move into a three-month sabbatical?
  • What will I do initially?
  • What will it be like to be released from ministry duties?
  • How can I include my spouse and family in the sabbatical time?
  • How will my home life be different?
Developing and Communicating a Plan

The following questions may be a helpful guide in developing a sabbatical plan and then communicating it to the congregation:

  • What are the issues or challenges that could bring health and hope to the congregation during this three-month period?
  • What are the resources available to facilitate any process work that is done?
  • Do the people in our church understand the concept of sabbatical?
  • What can we do to help them with understanding? (It can take up to two years for proper preparation of the membership.)
  • Are the leaders of our congregation supportive of the concept of a ministry sabbatical?
  • Is there sufficient trust in our relationship to have a sabbatical?
  • Is there an understanding that sabbatical time will provide the opportunity for health and growth for the congregation as well as the ministry leader?
  • Is there a policy in place for sabbaticals for all the ministry leaders here? (A policy is a first step.)
  • Is there a plan in place to make provisions for ongoing ministry during the ministry leader’s absence?
    • Pastoral care
    • Administrative oversight
    • Supervision of staff
    • Management of programs
    • Pulpit supply
  • Should we create a committee to help manage the sabbatical planning?
  • Would we benefit from teams managing areas of ministry in the ministry leader’s absence?
  • Are there other trusted people available to fill in for the ministry leader during the sabbatical time?
  • What will the sabbatical cost? (Normally the ministry leader’s full salary and benefits are paid during the sabbatical time. Car allowance/mileage may or may not be included.)
  • What additional costs will there be for the church?
  • What additional costs will the ministry leader experience during the sabbatical?
  • What personal or professional issues does the ministry leader hope to address during the sabbatical?
  • What issues should the congregation be addressing during this time?
  • As the time for sabbatical comes closer, would it be possible to plan a special blessing or liturgy to mark the event?
  • Is there a re-entry plan in place prior to the sabbatical beginning?
  • How will the ministry leader report on the sabbatical experience?
  • Whom does the ministry leader need to spend intentional time reconnecting with when returning?
  • What roles will need to be re-negotiated?
  • What expectations will need to be addressed?
  • Would the ministry leader benefit from a coach as the sabbatical plan is developed?
  • Would the congregation benefit from coaching to develop a sabbatical policy and plan?
  • Will the ministry leader be able to maintain a “complete absence” from the congregation even when remaining in town?
  • How will emergency situations be handled within the congregation?
  • Will there be any restrictions placed on the ministry leader following the sabbatical?
  • What should the ministry leader be doing intentionally to prepare staff, leaders and members?
  • How do we see this sabbatical helping the congregation with renewal?
  • How can a sabbatical help maintain long-term relationships with professional church ministry leaders?
  • What will be different for the ministry leader and the congregation during the sabbatical time?
  • What will remain the same for the ministry leader and for the congregation?
  • What ethical issues should be discussed prior to the sabbatical? (e.g. Is it appropriate to use sabbatical time to explore or pursue other jobs or calls? Is it appropriate for the church to review its relationship with the ministry leader who is gone?)
Policy Development Guidelines

The issues below should be addressed and included in the preparation of a ministry sabbatical policy for your church:

  • Purpose and Parameters of the Sabbatical.
  • Eligibility:
    • Does the policy include part-time staff?
    • Does the ministry leader need to have served for a certain period at the congregation before the sabbatical?
    • Will there be an expectation that the ministry leader remain at the congregation for a period of time after the sabbatical?
  • Length: Typically, a three-month sabbatical every four to seven years is recommended.
  • Scheduling and Priorities.
  • Funding Options and Plan:
    • Congregation may want to set aside funds each year to save for a sabbatical year.
    • Congregation may offer to match funds that a ministry leader sets aside for a future sabbatical.
    • Congregations have held fundraisers to finance the sabbatical period.
  • Sabbatical Covenant.
Best Practices

Ministry sabbaticals can bless both the church worker and congregation. They are designed to be a shared experience, and the membership expects that they, both as a congregation and as individual members, will receive specific, tangible benefits from the sabbatical.


Many congregations will discuss a sabbatical for years and formulate a policy. Once the commitment is made, a formal planning process needs to be initiated.

It is suggested that the ministry leader begin the planning process with the congregation at least 12 months prior to sabbatical leave. This timeline can be helpful for both ministry leader and congregation to “get ready” for the sabbatical.

The planning process should be led by lay members and presented to the congregation by lay members. This serves to reinforce the sabbatical as a shared experience.


If you can’t write it down, you don’t have a plan. Clear and articulated goals that relate to the congregation are written in a way that the congregation can understand and are mission-centered.

If you have a good plan, writing the grant proposal is easy. If you don’t have a plan, writing the proposal forces you to create one.


It can be a life-changing experience for the leader but also a time for the laity to discover their strengths for ministry apart from the leader and their ability to shine in the extended absence.

While it is tempting for the leader to try and over-plan the sabbatical, it is best to keep the goals simple.

One pastor first thought of taking a long trip during his sabbatical time. He soon realized his time was much better spent reconnecting with his wife and family and spending quiet times at home and retreat centers.


Educate, educate and educate the congregation about what a sabbatical is and what the goals are for the sabbatical.

Send pre-sabbatical mailings to each family that include a letter from the committee, a weekly schedule of events and the sabbatical goals.


A sufficient sabbatical time of three months or more allows time to establish new, healthy habits and behaviors for the leader and to plant them into their daily lives.

Some of the most important experiences are in the closing weeks. At the conclusion of a sabbatical, the congregation should have a benchmark to compare the state of their wellbeing over the course of our ministry.


Communicate in general terms why the sabbatical is necessary to build a consensus, then fill in the details about activities. Details may include:

  • Fourteen months before the sabbatical, the congregation is told informally that a planning team should be formed.
  • Approximately eight months prior, there will be a formal presentation of the purpose of the sabbatical at a congregational assembly meeting, and, at about the same time, information should begin to appear in monthly newsletters.
  • Four months prior, launch a funding campaign.
  • About one month prior, the pastor can lead discussion groups.
Tax Implications

We are learning that in some cases there can be tax implications connected to the money received to enable a ministry sabbatical. Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) does not give tax advice and finds that implications can vary by situation and even location. We advise that in the planning process for a sabbatical, the pastor and congregation consult with a trusted tax expert or CPA.

Neither LCEF nor its representatives give legal, accounting or tax advice. Consult your tax advisor as to the applicability of this information to your own situation.

It is best to consult a tax professional in the early stages of sabbatical planning and will be helpful if that expert helps prepare your taxes. It is also possible to have money set aside by the congregation to help cover any tax implications. Expert advice will help both pastor and congregation navigate tax questions.

If a large grant is received for the sabbatical, it is important to consider any tax implications.

Helpful Insights

Make sure the expectations for the ministry leader’s absence are made clear from the pulpit as well as in written correspondence.

  • The sabbatical is a sabbatical: the ministry leader must separate himself/herself from the congregation, physically, mentally and emotionally.
  • Some congregations’ commitment to a sabbatical is included in the ministry leader’s call. The congregation should start setting aside money in a sabbatical fund at that time.
  • The process of creating the proposal, presenting it to the congregation and discussing it in pre-sabbatical congregational meetings and small groups can be a valuable exercise in self-evaluation. Establishing interim leadership roles for professional staff and lay leadership did much to strengthen the congregation.
  • One obstacle that may need to be resolved is the fatigue going into sabbatical from all the extra work of planning and preparation. Adequate time for planning is necessary, and it should be expected that fatigue would be part of the entrance into the sabbatical time.
  • Trusted peers can help you see if you might be trying to pack too much into your sabbatical—thereby possibly defeating its purpose.
  • The blessing of sabbatical time doesn’t just come from rest. It also comes with “difference” in one’s daily life.
  • Renewal is experienced through doing different things.
  • It would be good to have a ministry sabbatical policy in place before a specific individual asks to use it. Even proposing a policy can be a lightning rod experience for a congregation and ministry leaders.
  • Some would agree with Roy Oswald’s urgent plea for congregations to endorse a sabbatical policy for its ministry leaders. A three-month ministry sabbatical every four to seven years would produce an effective ministry in a congregation for 20 years.
  • Consider utilizing outside facilitators to guide round table discussions. Our leaders are now beginning “Coming Back Together” round table discussions with ministry leaders about sabbatical lessons learned.
  • Coming back from sabbatical can begin the discussion of a new focus of the role and responsibilities of the ministry leader as well as a new leadership style that meets the present needs of the congregation.
  • If the ministry sabbatical is for a pastor, choose a sabbatical interim pastor carefully. One congregation identified a retired pastor who was familiar with the congregation, and it was a good experience for both.
  • Consider having a “theme” for your sabbatical. One congregation chose the theme, “Breathing Life into Old Bones,” and it applied to both the pastor and the congregation, which was an older historic church.
  • A helpful idea as you start planning your sabbatical is to send out a newsletter early in the process to explain the sabbatical.
A Biblical Perspective on Sabbaticals

The word sabbatical is drawn from Sabbath. The Hebrew word for Sabbath means to “close or rest” and is connected with the last day of creation when God rested (Genesis 2:3). God both models and commands Sabbath rest for His people. “Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8-11). Jesus affirmed the importance of rest saying, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27-28). The Biblical example of Jesus’ own frequent withdrawal to a quiet place to meditate, pray and be renewed is a model. In His ministry, the constant demands of people led Jesus to step away on a regular basis. See also: Genesis 1 and 2; Exodus 20:8-11, 23:10-12; Leviticus 25:1-7 (Sabbatical Year), 24:8-25 (Year of Jubilee); Psalm 23; and Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

Why a Sabbatical is Important

Roy M. Oswald, a senior consultant with the Alban Institute, suggests that the rapid change and complexity of congregational life and ministry raises the need for three months of sabbatical rest and renewal every four to seven years. He believes that 20-30% of ministry leaders he speaks to are in a state of severe burnout. Another 20% of the same audience is on their way to severe burnout.

Richard Bullock and Richard Bruesehoff in Clergy Renewal: The Alban Guide to Sabbatical Planning, suggest the following motivations for considering a ministry sabbatical:

Continual spiritual growth facilitated by periods of rest and renewal is vital toward being an effective minister.

Pastoral responsibilities are not contained within normal office hours and regularly involve weekends.

Rapid changes in parish ministry can increase the likelihood of burnout without periods of rest and renewal.

Burnout makes ministry and the minister dull, hollow and uninteresting.

It provides the opportunity for congregations to examine their dependency on the ministry leader and consider expanding the roles of lay leaders.

Sabbatical Coaching Services

Greg Walton and Tim Fangmeier are available to assist ministry leaders and churches in the formation of sabbatical guidelines, plans, and funding issues. Connect with Greg at and Tim at

Rev. Dr. Greg S. Walton
Vice President, Ministry Solutions, Grace Place Wellness

Rev. Tim Fangmeier
Sabbatical Coach

Book a Speaker

Our speaker will provide preventive self-care and wellness guidance to your ministry team.

Grace Place Presentations Are Perfect for:

  • Church staff
  • LCMS ministries
  • District events
  • Conferences
  • Live and virtual events
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars
  • Congregations
  • Or — let’s dream something up together!

Let Us Customize a Presentation for Your Event

Our staff is available to work with your committee to develop a personalized program for your district, circuit or regional event. We present interactive, conversation-based programs intended to help participants grow stronger in spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Grace Place Wellness Bookings

Give church workers the confidence and skills they need to flourish for their entire career. Fill out your information below and we will reach out to you to confirm your appointment.

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We’ve created these resources to teach anyone called to work in ministry to achieve health, balance and joy for an entire career.

Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry

Discover a holistic approach to effective and productive ministry. Written by longtime parish pastor Darrell Zimmerman, learn how to avoid the hazards of ministry life and reclaim a long, joyful and fruitful career. Written for pastors, church workers and their spouses.

Reclaiming the Joy of a Church Vocation

Reclaiming the Joy of a Church Vocation will guide you on a detailed analysis of the hazards of the church work lifestyle and help you discover new possibilities for a long, joyful and fruitful career in ministry.


Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Baptismal Wellness

The Baptismal Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of Christian identity grounded in the grace of God, the forces that challenge a healthy baptismal identity and practical ways to renew the baptismal grace of God while enduring the anxieties of daily life in ministry.
Click here to purchase.

Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Relational Wellness

The Relational Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of the joy of living in unity with family, friends, church and co-workers, the challenges of a life in ministry that threaten the joy of loving, intimate relationships, and guidance to develop and sustain healthy patterns of Christ-centered relationships.
Click here to purchase.


Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Intellectual Wellness

The Intellectual Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of healthy communication in relationships based on compassionate curiosity, careful listening to the life stories of others and the sharing of one’s own story, and guidance for the development of a plan to enhance life-giving communication at home and in the church.
Click here to purchase.


Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Emotional Wellness

The Emotional Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of the power of grace to restore relationships broken by conflict, the importance of self-examination, the life-giving nature of mutual confession and forgiveness, and guidance for developing a personalized plan for managing conflict and restoring healthy relationships.
Click here to purchase.


Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Vocational Wellness

The Vocational Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of a balanced life in ministry, understand their own vocational struggles, envision a healthier approach to balancing the demands of personal, family and ministerial life, and seek the encouragement and support needed to continue in a long, vibrant life of service in the church.
Click here to purchase.


Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Physical Wellness

The Physical Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of a balanced and healthy approach to care of the body and life, the challenges of a ministry lifestyle that are detrimental to good physical health and a realistic and personal plan for recovery from past physical suffering and for making healthier choices for a long and productive life in ministry.
Click here to purchase.


Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry: The Grace Place Way to Financial Wellness

The Financial Wellness Workbook helps church workers explore the Bible’s description of the joy of managing God’s blessing of material wealth, the unique financial strains of a life in Christian ministry and the development of a balanced financial plan that includes generosity as a faithful response to God’s abundant blessing.
Click here to purchase.


Other Resources from Grace Place

Vocation and Wellness: Renew Your Energy for Christian Living by John D. Eckrich M.D.

Is your job killing you? Renew your joy through a doctor’s proven prescription for re-energizing health and wellness in your body, mind, and soul. This book, written by Grace Place founder John Eckrich, M.D., will help you identify and replace the energy-depleting patterns that keep you from experiencing God’s fullness in your vocation.
Click here to purchase.

Family Wellness: Raising Resilient, Christ-Purposed Children by John D. Eckrich M.D.

Is your family well in every sense of the word: physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally? Using five core character values, John Eckrich, M.D., founder of Grace Place Ministries, will show you how to build a strong Christian family.
Click here to purchase.

Fear, Anxiety and Wellness: Journey to a Heart at Peace by John D. Eckrich M.D.

Fear and anxiety are linked chains of human emotions that continually erode our wellbeing. This book offers powerful and practical guidance from a medical, behavioral, and Christ-directed perspective to help you on the journey to a heart at peace.
Click here to purchase.

Resilient Aging and Wellness: Mindful Stewardship of Body, Mind and Spirit into the Next Season of Living by John D. Eckrich M.D.

Getting older with resilience is far more about being functional, vibrant and joyful than it is about discomfort, separation and loss. Learn to affirm your relationship with God and your worth as God’s child as you understand the critical components to the “whole care” of human life. Click here to purchase.
Click here to purchase.


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