English & SELC Districts

10733 Sunset Office Dr., Suite 300, St. Louis, MO, 63127

John Hoover

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”
— John 15:5


I’m honored to represent Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) and support the ministries of the SELC & English Districts. Here’s a little about me:

  • I graduated from Concordia University, Seward Nebraska with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management. I completed my MBA from Saint Louis University with an emphasis in Marketing.
  • I have been married to my wife, Jamie, for 23 years. We have a son who is a freshmen at Lutheran High School South and daughter who is a 7th grader at St. Paul’s Lutheran in Des Peres, Mo.
  • My family and I attend St. Paul’s Lutheran in Des Peres, Mo. Our family enjoys spending time together outside via a variety of activities including sports, camping, boating and riding dirt-bikes and ATVs.

Since 1978, LCEF has walked alongside Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregations, schools, organizations, church workers and investors. As an LCMS partner, we share your Lutheran faith and commitment to the church—now and always.

God has richly blessed the SELC & English Districts, and I look forward to seeing the incredible ways He will work through His church in our district and beyond.

God’s blessings,

John Hoover