Church Worker
Loan Pool

Invest in a fund dedicated to providing affordable loans for LCMS church workers, making homeownership and loan consolidation possible for those serving His kingdom.

About the Church Worker Loan Pool

At LCEF, we’re committed to supporting those who dedicate their lives to serving the church. The Church Worker Loan Pool (CWLP) provides affordable loans with lower interest rates, giving LCMS church workers opportunities like homeownership and debt consolidation while easing financial stress.

Your investment or donation helps church workers focus on their calling to preach, teach and serve with their whole hearts. Together in faith, we’re making a lasting impact on the lives of those who serve Him.

Benefits and Features

No minimum investment.

Online access to your account.

Interest paid quarterly.

No monthly maintenance or membership fees.

Support LCMS church workers.

Interest Rates for Investing in the Pool

5 yrs.0.500%0.501%
8 yrs.1.000%1.004%
10 yrs.1.250%1.256%
* APY is the annual percentage yield, representing the effective rate of interest when all principal and interest payments are retained in the investment balance.

Our Goal

We intend to raise a total of $250 million. We appreciate your consideration because we couldn’t do this without you.

How close are we to our goal right now?



3 Ways to Get Started

There are three ways you can support the Church Worker Loan Pool.


Make a donation.
You can donate online or email for help making a gift to the CWLP.

Invest in the pool.
It’s fast and easy to invest in the CWLP online.

Donate interest.
Through the Shared Interest Program, you can donate interest from another LCEF investment account to the CWLP.

Join Lutheran Investors Like You

Hear from LCMS members who have experienced the difference faith-driven financial solutions can make.


I have an investment with LCEF. Can I transfer money from my investment to the CWLP and if so, will there be a penalty?
Can I make a gift contribution instead of investing?
What happens to my investment if LCEF stops the RCW Loan Program?
When will you start making loans from the CWLP?
How long will mortgage loans for RCWs have a fixed rate?
Will Lutheran Federal Credit Union offer the same low-interest loan rate?
Will there be a penalty for taking money out of this investment early?
Will I be required to pay taxes on the interest earned?
What will the loan interest rate be for the RCW mortgage program?
If I am an RCW, can I refinance my current home mortgage with this loan?
What loan products will be available through this loan pool?

Helpful Documents

Make a Donation

Invest in the CWLP