A Clear Path Forward for Your Congregation

Our Ministry Clarity process assists you in discerning God’s vision for your congregation. Connect with us to see if you’re a good candidate for Ministry Clarity.

At LCEF, we believe that clear direction begins with intentional, prayerful discernment of God’s will for your ministry.

Our Ministry Clarity process is designed to guide your congregation toward understanding and embracing the path God has laid out for you over the course of eight to 10 months. We partner with you to ensure that your leadership is confident in moving forward with purpose.

Each congregation’s journey is unique, but the end result is the same: Your leaders will gain clarity on your ministry’s purpose and be empowered to fulfill it.


Visioning is a facilitated process to discover God’s vision for your people. It often is the first process for congregations because it honors the truth that God gathers congregations for His purposes. The result of this ten-week process is a clear and concise vision statement that answers the question: God, who do You say we are? This gives your congregation its identity and purpose, which drives everything you do.

Your congregation knows God’s vision for them and is inspired to pursue it.

Ministry Wellness Review

As part of the Ministry Clarity process, we offer a ministry wellness assessment for your pastor and his wife, and potentially additional staff members. Through this assessment, we determine what is already in place for the wellness of your church workers. In addition, we make recommendations to your visioning team about intentional care for church workers as an investment as they look to the future of the ministry.
Worker wellness is included in your congregation’s Ministry Plan.

Ministry Planning

Traditionally, a clarity process would include strategic planning. While effective in some instances, LCEF employs a different approach by equipping the leaders of congregations to be the strategic planners as we build the first iteration of the plan. This creates a plan that is dynamic and continually evaluated and updated by the people called to lead the ministries, not an outside consultant. Our Ministry Planning process includes leadership training, Ministry Planning tools development and a facilitated creative session that both models the Ministry Planning process and creates the first plan.
Your leaders are equipped to lead your congregation and generate a dynamic strategic plan to move ministries forward.

Campus Master Planning

“Facilities Facilitate Ministry.” This simple phrase guides our work with congregations looking to match their facilities to their current and future ministries.

Your congregation has a Campus Master Plan that works to match your facilities to your ministries.

Financial Planning

Just as “facilities facilitate ministry,” finances facilitate ministry. In our process of Ministry Clarity, we first want your leaders to have a solid understanding of current finances and work with modern tools and practices. Then, as ministry plans come together, a clear financial plan is built to leverage annual offerings, special accounts, endowments, planned capital campaigns and the loan resources of LCEF.
Your leaders have a clear vision of your congregation’s financial future in support of your ministries.


As the Ministry Clarity process ends, our final goal is to support your communication of findings and plans to your congregation. Solutions will vary and can include designing a sermon series, forums and special presentation events. When applicable, we help bring together a final presentation for your voters’ assembly, so together, your congregation can step forward with confidence.
Support your communication plan with your congregation of the findings and plans. You and your congregation will step forward with confidence.

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Considering the Ministry Clarity Process for your congregation?