All Access Account for Your Congregation

Great rates and full access to your funds – designed for your congregation’s daily needs.

About All Access Accounts

An All Access Account with LCEF is an easy-access investment that builds over time with interest earned. With your All Access Account, you’ll maintain full control over your balances and enjoy convenient online access.

At LCEF, we know how important growing God’s kingdom is—we live and breathe this with our mission. With an All Access Account, you join fellow Lutherans to lend a helping hand to LCMS ministries, providing funds for them to invest in their unique ministry goals.

Explore the Benefits

Optional Visa® Debit Card

No monthly maintenance membership fees.

Free MyAccount online services, including e-statements.

Interest is accrued daily and paid monthly.

Congregations, schools and organizations can enjoy the benefits of MyAccount by completing and submitting a MyAccount enrollment form.

AmountInterest RateAPY*
* APY is the annual percentage yield, representing the effective rate of interest when all principal and interest payments are retained in the investment balance.

Open Your Account Online Today

All you will need to apply is the personal information and drivers’ licenses of the signers you’d like on the account and your congregation’s banking details.

Join Lutheran Investors Like You

Hear from LCMS members who have experienced the difference faith-driven financial solutions can make.


What information do I need to open an account online?

Authorized Signers will need the following information in order to complete the application:

  • Driver’s License/State ID with current address for upload
  • Your complete physical and mailing address
  • Social Security number
  • Mother’s Maiden Name
  • Date of Birth

If your ID does not reflect your current address, we will need one of the following:

  • An updated Valid Driver’s License/State ID
  • A utility bill in the last 30 days with your name and current address
  • A bank statement in the last 30 days with your name and current address
Can I mail in a paper application?
How do I transfer funds into my account?
  • If you are applying online for your account, you may transfer funds via ACH or mail in a check. To add funds after your account is open, you may transfer funds if you are signed up for MyAccount online access or mail a check to the address listed below.
  • For Deposits Only:
    Lutheran Church Extension Fund
    PO BOX 219193
    Kansas City, MO 64121-7229
Who do I contact if I need help with my application?

Helpful Documents

Open Your Account Online Today

All you will need to apply is the personal information and drivers’ licenses of the signers you’d like on the account and your congregation’s banking details.